With a new year comes the opportunity to invest in your company and its future. Assessments are one means to that end. It can seem like a full-time job to try to evaluate each solution’s features and value props.  

In the process, you can pick an assessment provider that is not the best fit for your needs. You can’t go wrong; however, if you decide what your business needs to achieve, then make the decision based on that determination.


Here are some critical categories and questions to ask:



  • What business challenges need to be solved?
  • What are our specific, measurable, goals and their timelines?
  • How will assessments help us measure and achieve the goals?
  • What is our budget for implementing the assessments?
  • What data do we need to extract?
  • What will the user gain from this assessment?
  • How will we use assessment data?
  • How comprehensive do we need the assessment to be?
  • To which programs will this assessment be applied?
  • How do the assessments align with the objectives for the program?


User Experience

  • To which population will we target these assessments?
  • In which languages do we need the assessments to be available?
  • What reading level is required for our audience?
  • What do we need to measure at the individual level?
  • What do we want to measure at the team level?
  • How do we ensure privacy and appropriate use?
  • As each company is different, there is no one-size-fits all solution. Companies should choose the tool that work best for them and try to see the big picture.
  • Consistency is also key, regardless of system.


Need some help in this department? We can help make sure you have the right people in the right seats. You will be delighted with the level and quality of candidates presented, including the thoroughness of our vetting process and the detailed candidate portfolio you will receive for each interviewee. Our clients appreciate the in-depth approach that is invested on their behalf: multi-dimensional screening, leadership, behavior and personal competency assessments.


Written By Toni Widman
Toni Widman is the founder and CEO of Integrated Talent Solutions, part of a family of brands offering unique solutions to organizations in Talent Acquisition and culture fit. Our unique Benchmarking process enables us to be set apart from other typical recruiting organizations. By defining expectations for job success using a data driven approach, we help companies Identify, select and develop the RIGHT Team. If you are looking for the proven path for better hiring practices, please contact us at www.integratedtalentjobs.com


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